Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3: Look What I found.... (no prompt)

Today I found a contraption
contrived to reduce the weight of sleep on lowered eyes
That looks something like a fishing rod
Thats reel back the time you wasted in a day into sheer productivity
And has a proclivity to energy boost exhausted socialites in big cities
It transforms incessant pen taps on desks to fully written research papers,
 white and pressed
Pushes appointments back; a minute for each dreaded traffic light
And freezes time on Earth
 just long enough to gaze at the moon in flight
Its marvelousness mustn’t be kept a secret
Before I tell the world I need a plan to patent it
I’d get thousands of offers from people who’d pay millions,
Oh what numbers
Today I found the perfect contraption deep in the crevices of a sublime slumber!

©Brion Gill


  1. Is it sleep? Is the contraption sleep? If so...I resist your encouragement to go to sleep at

  2. Be careful I tried sleep as a teenager to be like the older kids and then I got addicted and now I can't not sleep.

  3. No the contraption could do all the nonsensical things I talked about in the poem but it wasnt real because I found in a dream lol
