Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Plus One...

With solemn eyes and a head nod of concern vexing my burning soul
He said, I understand
But what is it that you feel you’ve grasped or recognized when the size of your worth will always be aggrandized
Plus one
You are the most deserving of public welfare though we are equally poor
The truest countrymen though you too sailed to these shores
Your crimes are less offensive
And awarded the lesser sentence
The face of antiquity and good,
The forbearers of history spoken from hoods
Even Christ is of your liking, though he is the King of humanity, born in a scorching manger on mantels he sits cold as the snow that never lands there.
The mutilation of your woman is repulsive, but we bred concubine are made to warm beds as our lust flows in the wind like nappy hair
Your bloodline is pure while we are experimental from plantations to Tuskegee
Melanin prevents pain from protruding
You’ve bombed the world and represent safety, we’re killed cloaked in innocence and branded with scarlet criminality
You the superintendent of the school of Americas
The reason why children ARE left behind in America
The administrator of the only relevant dream in America
Your grandfather grants ivy leagues my grandfather’s education kept me from voting
Your money is greener
Businesses better
Hair prettier
Culture pilfered
propped on pedestals
Where were you during the ice age?
Why are the Moores obscured with terms like Dark Age
Who says it wasn’t glorious?
Please sir, don’t ever say you “understand” when your privilege allows you to not have to give a damn.

©Brion Gill

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