Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day Seven: Schizophrenia (Night of the Mind)

The murmur of voices
gurguling. Furiously colliding
Contending for the rights
To this oasis built for One.

One lay pinned down
Under the pressured current of voices
Sound rivers born from reservoirs of tension
Flowing from burning eyes 
Soaking the bed shrouded in mourning

They could not yet decide
If they would let her believe that she
was worthy of pain
or impatient for relief
or ready to be removed from suffering
Or fully responsible for her guilt
So they contended
and crashed
and gurgled and spit

They tore at her hope stained heart
spread their cloudy wings and 
shadowed everything with decline
As she 
           sloped into
                            her personal darkness
Her precious life garden now wilting
worm ridden optimism
decaying faith
brown spotted courage
She drooped with the pain of
promise unbloomed
as they continued to bid on her

One rose to greet her reflection
Saw them there dancing
Removed her suffering image
and smashed it

Stomped jubilantly on her shards
Then rummaged through the bloody mess
Trying to find the joy peace-is

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