Thursday, April 4, 2013

Verse Without a Title I

Light shines through the window blinds
I have a choice to make
Rise up or stay down
Smile or frown
Either way, today is a new day
I must choose which way
I will go
Backward or forward
Grief or happiness
Increase or decrease
Strengthening or weakening
Improvement or decline
Only time will tell
Fast forward
No rewind


  1. I see you. I think what you need here is to fully explore the feelings that you present in this poem. Confront that feeling of struggle and indecisiveness and fully illustrate what that feels like/looks like.

  2. Agreed. I feel like it's over just when it's revving up to something epic. We all know Amaziah goes hard; feel free to prove us right.

  3. But what if there was a rewind?...I'll wait.
