Friday, April 26, 2013

Love Me Later

You are important to me, know that
But can you care when I come back?
Can you love me leaving
I mean
You do...know...that I'm leaving?
I hang my hat on the saddle
So even if you made a home
Of apple pies and and warm pillows
I'd still travel
Until I get there, or her, or somewhere
Cuz the journey is my only destination
So long as I stop I'll never get there
And you'll stare into my mind
Hoping that my heart will get here
You really shoulda told me
You were holdin your air
I woulda come back at least
That's no fair
I may have been a rolling stone
But I ain't mean to roll over no one
So.. will you love me and let me go?
Or are there contracts that I should know?
It's just that some other bed
Is where I feel the most at home
Many others, any other
When I'm alone, I'm missin someone
But in comp'ny I'm losin somethin
And with you, I soon grow restless
Look, my house ain't where my heart is
So I won't be home
Just love me when I come back
Friends leave. I never feared it.
 After all, I prove it
Soon as the season changes I move it
At least we had the appearance
But it's not leaving the worries me
It's not from spite that I ask
Will you love me when I come back
Or reject me upon returning?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bare Walls

It's like this soul wrenching sickness
That only I and I alone witness
Disturbing and turning
Flipping and tossing
Demanding and bossy
Matter of emotion that I tend to get lost in
Can't seem to keep afloat
When my mind sets on its 'back down memory lane' boat

Thoughts of you become gripping
Here comes that sickness
Hurling vomit, trying to throw you up
Its Toxic
Platonic you now wanna call it
So different from names called out under cotton
Between sweat and gritted teeth while our bodies beyond cordially meet.

So no that means nothing?
Meant nothing were strolls
Our time spent day tripping
Playing hookie-where I called into work sick
Now I'm just sick to death with the prolonging thought of you
And all I wish I knew then what I discovered now
Like giving me a child, then requesting it be taken out!
Torn from my loins. Left shattered and empty
No you to come get me-fix me. Said you would be there with me

Left to heal myself with nothing
Just lingering words you gave me
Empty promises
Unfulfilled I love you's
Who the fuck are you?
Don't know you
Wish I never met you
But Damn I still love you

You who feels nothing
Uprooted your soul and planted it on another continent's soil
Can't seem to find an answer to why.
Lay awake trying to put together the puzzle
But pieces seem missing.
You took them
I lost them-misplaced them
Nothing makes sense.

Mind contorted
I never saw this coming
Falling in love with the enemy
A thief.
A foul, silly man-destined to live his life heartless

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Mr. T.V. I can’t love you
I cannot slowly walk with you, hand and hand into a pixilated sunset
Or squeeze scripted sands betwixt my toes
 Can’t nuzzle my nose on your flat screen
Can’t “I do” with your antenna so afterward we can have reception
Honeymoon without interruption
Mr. T.V.  I just can’t love you

©Brion Gill 2013

(To be continued...)

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Arrival (3.12.90)

How could she miss him?
Him striding with grace
Her scooting along, a confused look on her face
He focused
Her unsure
Him taking the steps
She searched for the door
No welcome awaited, her presence undetected
He glided with urgency, as if highly expected
Just as she entered
No smile on her chin
The voices within called out to him
"Don't leave yet."
"Your child is alive!"
But Robert departed
the day his daughter arrived

I'll Be Late For That

Im late
For (almost) every date
They say hurry
I tell them don’t wait
My professor says I’ll miss my own funeral
If I did that’d be great.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Black Girl Pain (Senryu)

She's Black as coal and
Like a dreaded Christmas gifts.
She feels unwanted.

There Are No Absolute Truths (I Am)

My reality is flexible
Ready to bend and sway at my command
It is not fixed, but variable
So I may very well say
I am the Queen
of the word
of the world
of the Damned
and so it shall be.

Expression Express

All aboard!

Please have your hearts ready

For the captain to check

First stop, Infatuation

We'll take a pit stop in Dreams

Capital city of Ambition

We'll pick up more passengers

as we ride through Lonely

and switch trains at Disappointment

Please put your baggage in the overhead compartments

Or underneath the car

You'll have to take it with you at every stop

So you should have packed lightly

Final stop in Happy

Everyone is encouraged to get off there.

Preposterous Possibilities

Could you really be in love with

The one thing you swore

You never liked?

Be absolutely enamored with

the object of your aversion?

How will the life you've imagined


now that one of the puzzle pieces

Has taken on a new form?

Is it possible to scrap the finished project

In the middle of the show?

On feelings (no prompt)

Ever have a feeling you didn’t know what to do with?
It’s like finding extra change in your pocket.
Not enough to buy anything
but enough to make you wonder where it should go
You could save it
maybe add to it
until it’s really worth something
Or you could give it away
Tip your waiter a little extra
Or make a sidewalk musician’s day
Hello sir, would you like some infatuation today?
Here’s a little “what-if” for your troubles
Maybe you can use it better than I can
How about some loneliness?
I've got plenty to spare
There's no dresser jar
pants pocket
piggy bank
for feelings.


crawling thoughts

burrow into sections of brain

snacking on synapses

nesting on nerves

breeding bad dreams

how do you


a pest that only plays while you sleep?

Astro-logic (Comparison)


was half human

half beast.

Kissed by Lady Luck at birth.

Truth dancing on her tongue

She shoots for stars not yet seen



was a

born leader

who dared to do what others wouldn't

Gentle, passionate lover

Brilliant and fearless


Dreaming of freedom

Intrigued by adventure


Pushing limits


were a firestorm

She's No Atlas (Broke Poem)

Arms outstretched

Shoulders wide

Back braced

She prepared herself for the world she always wanted

Hoisted her values



like a knapsack

She lifted them out one by one

Trading them in for her heart's desires

Earthly pleasures

Piled on the fruits of her labor

Never minding the depleting foundation

Wondering why her world suddenly became

So hard to carry

Insisting on progress

No rest

Knees buckling

Arms trembling

She finally


Haiku (Suffering Poem)

Facades feign courage
Disintegrating inside
Brave souls ache sometimes.

Friday, April 19, 2013


A poem don't add up to lyrics
If you doubt it, then go ask the limericks
Add rhyming line here,
multiply FUCK there
You don't win a slam with just lyrics

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

In Case of flirting

In case you catch those eyes that have been starring for 10 consecutive minutes
Don’t smile
Don’t wait a while and slyly turn your head to bat your lids
Don’t twirl your hair
Or fidget in your chair
Act as if you didn’t notice him
Because your mental space is occupied by the image of your lovers face
Note: this only works if your partner has worth
Otherwise you’ve already strategically walked by switching harder than angry drivers in traffic
Opening opportunities for said admirer to inquire bout what your name be
Or maybe you’ve flashed your dimples moved your bag from the other empty stool
An invitation simple enough for a fool
Now car rides, conversations, bed acquaintances and lonely moments siting up waiting later…..
You wonder,, why you didn’t just resist
Oh how that past relationship shall be missed
The things we give for a taste of evanescent bitter bliss.

©Brion Gill 2013

Express Lane

Rubber rolling on smooth tarred gravel
Swerving around brake lights and threatening to rear-end those within the limits
Pressuring pedals on yellow
Anticipating green
Searching for a short cut ‘round vertical corporate ladders
Grasping hand held devices designed to make communication and knowledge consumption better
Hash tag trendsetter
Fingers tinkering on touchtone screens
reflexively stepping over exposed toes protruding from leather worn down from year of struggling against unyielding sidewalks
head tucked in emailed memos
methodically ordering a caramel macchiato
Blindly bopping back down inert streets
Death to the heart beat lying on the bleak concrete
Ipod buds stuffed in
The vigor of the world vanishes
Like sideline scenery, observed from a car window, speedometer 120
Flowers become scentless whirls of color
People mere specs of sound that hover above the whistle of the wind
And life, nothing more than a passing moment.

©Brion Gill 2013

Day Eight: Instructional (Safety First...)

1. Commit to this program.

Let anyone in.


3. Barricade that threshold to your being with oak boards and ebony panels that would give
Sampson nightmares of remembrance amidst his reverberations of understanding.

4. Shellac them till they shine with the goopy slime that was once your bleeding heart.
Let the sun blaze it to a blinding finish till Christ hangs his head because
he taught us all better than this but he lived it better than we ever could.

5. Scale this monument to your pain with your bare hands and burst in through the ceiling.
Paint target rings around the hole above you and practice your rock throwing.
Take comfort in knowing that anyone who missed the message at the door
is too foolish or too late to deserve your pity.

6. Curl your lips and hurl hurts freely.
Be fearsome. Be fearless.
Brush your teeth with your sword for the health of your razor tongue
Hide your gums
bloody from hurting words.
But stay strong and steadfast.
There are savages out there.

7. When the stars come
Resist the promise in their wishes.
When the rain comes
Reject the healing waters of redemption.
Curse the new day
and the born again passage of time.
Remain crystalized
hardened. fossilized
frozen. calloused.

Stick to the plan.

(Instructions for loneliness sold separately)

Day Seven: Schizophrenia (Night of the Mind)

The murmur of voices
gurguling. Furiously colliding
Contending for the rights
To this oasis built for One.

One lay pinned down
Under the pressured current of voices
Sound rivers born from reservoirs of tension
Flowing from burning eyes 
Soaking the bed shrouded in mourning

They could not yet decide
If they would let her believe that she
was worthy of pain
or impatient for relief
or ready to be removed from suffering
Or fully responsible for her guilt
So they contended
and crashed
and gurgled and spit

They tore at her hope stained heart
spread their cloudy wings and 
shadowed everything with decline
As she 
           sloped into
                            her personal darkness
Her precious life garden now wilting
worm ridden optimism
decaying faith
brown spotted courage
She drooped with the pain of
promise unbloomed
as they continued to bid on her

One rose to greet her reflection
Saw them there dancing
Removed her suffering image
and smashed it

Stomped jubilantly on her shards
Then rummaged through the bloody mess
Trying to find the joy peace-is

The Impossibles (prompt: impossible/possible)

We are the “impossibles”
The mindless
Broken, stolen, ravaged, perverted, deserted, converted…
The unforgettable, forgotten
The powerful, powerless
The entrepreneurs without institutions
Yes we are the impossible
The “how did you make it this far”
The survivors
The mysteries
The children of generations who told us what we couldn’t be
The students of teachers who would have us believe our dreams are impossible fantasies
But such is our very family tree
There is nothing I can’t achieve
Because I am a walking impossible
So POSSIBLE is my destiny!

©Brion Gill 2013

She Moves (Sonnet)

She Moves (Sonnet)

Her body bends to the melody like branches in the wind
Swaying in chord
Back erect and stiff like wooden boards
She stares into the next move
Fruitioning her fluidity
Her feet slide across the floor like a summer breeze in kitchens when screen doors are left ajar
Her hair spins in pirouettes like the top of jars
Have you ever seen the little dipper?
Bet its nothing like the star constellation in her pupils
Dressed in black leotard
She’s a leaping galaxy
Her mind flowing and free in a gallant kaleidoscope of color
Her routine reaches a climax at the music’s crescendo and from her brow sweat pours
Now her heart demands an encore.

©Brion Gill 2013